How to Publish or Embed a Tour

Posted on 2024-12-05 Updated on 2024-12-05

Publishing Your Virtual Tour

  1. Go to Publish → Tour from the side menu.
  2. Explore additional publishing options to customize your virtual tour:
    • Protection: Secure your tour with a password or require users to provide contact information (lead capture) for access.
    • Expiring Dates: Set specific dates for when the tour will be available.
    • Meta Tags: Add metadata to enhance search engine visibility.
    • Share & Embed: Generate links and embed codes to share the tour or integrate it into websites.
    • Virtual Reality: Enable VR mode for an immersive experience.

Expiring Dates

You can schedule your virtual tour to be published within a specific time frame.

  • Set the Start Date and End Date for the tour's availability.
  • Optionally, specify a Redirect URL where users will be directed once the tour expires.

Meta Tag

Complete the fields for Title and Description, and upload a thumbnail or image to create a preview for the tour link when it is shared.

Share & Embed

  • Every virtual tour is automatically assigned a permanent link upon creation.
  • To unpublish a tour, set its status to "Deactivated".
  • To make the tour appear on your site's homepage, check "Show on First Page".
  • Share your tour across various platforms or send it via messaging apps or email.
  • Assign a custom, friendly URL to each tour for easier sharing.
  • To embed the tour on a website (e.g., WordPress), use the provided Embed Code.
  • Icons on the right allow you to:
    • Open the tour link
    • Copy the link
    • Generate a QR code for easy sharing.

Virtual Reality

Publishing a VR tour includes similar options as standard tours. VR tours enable viewers to explore the virtual space from various perspectives by adjusting their position or viewing angle, creating an immersive experience.

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